Theresa | Yoga

Theresa discovered yoga after her knees couldn’t take running anymore. She thought, “Oh, I’ll just go to this yoga class and roll around on the floor like a hippie.” She got a huge kick in her sassy pants and was hooked forever on power vinyasa.
Theresa did her teacher training with the Baptiste Power Yoga Institute and believes in the transformative power of yoga to help people realize their full potential.
You’ll never see Theresa teach from the mat. She is always observing her students and assisting them for a safe, but super challenging practice. (However, she sometimes calls the wrong pose because she’s singing to Thriller or Baby Got Back.)
Theresa loves hot power yoga more than almost anything in the world (don’t tell Daisy the dog) but when she’s not in the studio, Theresa is a leadership coach and consultant. She helps her clients get unstuck and move forward to achieve their goals. (She thinks yoga is one of the best leadership development tools out there.) Check out her leadership blogs
So what’s possible for you? What are you waiting for? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Come get your transformation on.

Angie Hardison